Constructing a new building can be a very confusing process for many people. From architects and designers to builders and contractors, there are usually quite a few people involved in a new construction, and it can make it difficult to get a straight answer about what’s going on throughout the process. It can also become very costly since there are so many people who are working on a new construction and racking up their own individual billable time, labor and materials. It’s why working with design-build contractors who can handle your project from conception straight up through completion has become an attractive option for many business owners looking to build new or complete a new project at their existing building.
If you are planning to start on a new construction project soon, there are a range of benefits that come along with working with a design-build company like R.G. Smith Co. Let’s take a closer look.
Design-Build Contractor Assumes Responsibility of New Construction
When challenges pop up during a new construction – and challenges often do present themselves at various points during a project – there is often a lot of finger-pointing that comes along with it during a traditional build. A contractor might place blame on an architect for a specific plan or a designer might blame a contractor for the way something was built. When you work with a design-build company, however, you have everyone working together under the same umbrella. This means that the team that drafted and designed your structure will be on site during the whole construction process, completely involved at every step of the project. That can alleviate some of these common pinch points that come from translating design to construction and will help minimize the challenges that arise.
Design-Build Company Provides a Firm and Stable Price for Your Project
Getting a firm price for a new construction can often be an issue since there are so many people involved in it. You will usually go through a bidding process for the different aspects of the construction, which means that overall pricing can fluctuate more depending on market conditions and product/labor availability. When you work with a design-build contractor, they have a much more clear and comprehensive picture of pricing from start to finish. Companies like R.G. Smith have worked with suppliers and builders regularly and will have a more accurate and knowledgeable understanding of different prices throughout the course of the project. This means they can more accurately quote our your project and the costs from start to finish, which gives you a more accurate expectation of what your costs will be from the first drafts to the final ribbon cutting.
Design-Build Expertise Ensures a Consistent Level of Quality Throughout Construction
When you work with one team from start to finish while building a new construction project, you will get the benefit of one consistent approach to the job that will be reflected in the final product. Unlike conventional processes that involve many different independently working teams, working with a team like R.G. Smith means that we’ll ensure all stakeholders are working together to take your original concept and create it, making it a reality to make your operations better with a reliable and dependable new structure that meets – and even exceeds – your needs and expectations.
R.G. Smith Co. has more than a century of experience as commercial and industrial contractors in the northeast part of Ohio, and we take pride in offering design-build capabilities to our customers. Every step of your construction is handled by our team, ensuring that the way it was designed is the way it will appear when finished. Learn more and get started with designing your next project by calling us today at our Canton office at 330-456-3415 or in Mansfield at 419-524-4778.
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