Many industrial processes require a top ventilation system to remove particles from the air that can be harmful, and R.G. Smith Company specializes in sheet metal, allowing us to create custom ventilation systems for nearly any set up. If your company has a process that involves a combination of coal dust, sinter, bagash, pulp, lime… Read more »
RG Smith Company Blog
New ‘Thirsty Concrete’ Could Transform Paving
It’s no secret that after a while, concrete takes a beating and starts to crack and break down. There are many reasons for this, but one of the biggest is water and its transformation into ice. However, there has been a recent advancement in concrete that could forever change how water affects it. Tarmac, a… Read more »
Thinking of Expanding? Now’s the Time to Start Planning
Expanding your business during the winter season can be tough, especially when it comes to literally expanding your building. Whether you’ve been thinking about adding on to your existing property or starting from scratch at another location, winter weather often brings construction projects to a halt or makes them take longer than they need to…. Read more »
Preventing Frozen Pipes in an Industrial Building

With freezing temperatures comes freezing pipes, and especially in industrial buildings, it’s important to take precautions to prevent frozen pipes and the damage that they can potentially cause to your plumbing. When temperatures drop and the water running through your pipes freezes, that water expands, meaning that if there are any weak spots in the… Read more »
Pitch Perfect: Understanding the Pros and Cons
If you like music, you probably think of singing when the word “pitch” is mentioned. However, pitch has an entirely different meaning when it comes to your roof. A roof’s pitch is the steepness of the grade on the roof, and just like music, a roof can have a flat or sharp pitch, too. A… Read more »
Concrete vs. Cement – Knowing the Difference
Many people don’t know the difference between concrete and cement or use the two terms interchangeably. There are several distinct differences between the two substances, however. Let’s take a look at a few of the differentiating factors that make the two materials unique. For starters, cement is actually an ingredient of concrete, meaning cement is… Read more »
Good Ventilation Can Pre-Vent Problems

Having a reliable ventilation system is important in any type of building, but in some it is more crucial than others. Take, for example, restaurants, food processing facilities or industrial plants. Without proper ventilation, many commercial operations cannot ensure the safety of their employees or customers. Business owners cannot expect their companies to thrive –… Read more »
Set Up for Success With Stainless Steel Systems

Stainless steel sheet metal is used for a number of applications in many different industries. From food-grade storage equipment to transfer systems for conveyor belts, there are so many ways in which this type of metal can be used. If you’re in need of a new or replacement industrial stainless steel sheet metal solution for… Read more »
Planning an Expansion? Let Us Help!

While it’s unfortunate to hear, your industrial building isn’t going to last forever. However, we’re not saying that you have to tear it down and start from scratch. Whether your company has expanded and outgrown your existing space or if you have an older building with areas that are in need or repair or updates,… Read more »
Piping Project? Let Us Handle It!

Making sure the piping in your building is installed and operating properly is important to your company’s success. Poorly planned or installed pipes could lead to a litany of problems. If you’re looking for someone that can handle your new piping installation or rerouting needs, R.G. Smith Company has you covered. Certified Welding Our welding… Read more »